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Virtus Open European Athletics Championship in Uppsala
13-15 June 2024

Upsala IF Athletics is welcoming athletes from countries all over the world to join the three day sompetitions at Uppsala Athletics Arena.







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24-06-07 Sweden´s Martin Jansson is well prepared for Virtus-EM 2024 in Uppsala, aiming for at least one medal!

24-05-21 – Participating in the European Championship in your home country is a truly unique experience. I am eagerly anticipating the competition and my primary aim is to thoroughly enjoy the event!, says Joel Reinholdsson.


24-05-07 Alexander´s dream has become true. Being part of the Swedish athletics team at European Championship in Uppsala 13-15 June 2024.



24-04-22 Lina is thrilled to be taking part in the upcoming European Championships, an event she eagerly anticipates.




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